
1С: Payroll & HR Management allows automation of the document flow related to payroll calculation, human resource management, and personnel accounting in compliance with legislative requirements and the company’s internal policies and procedures

For businesses of different sizes with their specifics, the “1C” company has developed a series of software products differing in terms of their functionality and complexity levels. These three levels include:

1) 1C:Payroll and HR 8. Basic is designed for small-sized businesses enabling them to fully automate the personnel records management, payroll calculation, and accounting for taxes and other payments that are mandatory under law

2) 1C:Payroll and HR 8. PROF suits is the best for managing personnel records, and accounting for salaries in companies having a complex organization because it allows for automating the key functions of an HR department, such as employee recruiting, training, adaptation, and motivation.

3) 1C:Payroll and HR 8.CORP is a full-fledged solution for the automated execution of all the tasks related to the HR management at medium-sized and large enterprises. The success of such companies in the market depends heavily on how effectively their human resources are managed. This product exactly deals with the issues of implementing personnel policies and ensures an all-round, real-time employee performance appraisal enabling the management to make well- informed decisions regarding the development and training needs of the staff.

Each of the above versions of the specialized automated system will do a good job within companies of any size because it provides an efficient and prompt evaluation of

  • All the processes related to human resources;

  • Personnel KPIs and productivity assessment;

  • Expenses due to managing the staff

Thus, this software product is an indispensable tool to be used by the following departments:

    Accounting and bookkeeping
    HR and employee development
    Other divisions engaged in staff recruitment and training

Apart from providing the whole organization with a tool for timely accounting for any costs allocated to the personnel performance enhancement, “1C: Payroll and HR Management” allows introducing all the required adjustments to optimize such costs and be able to foresee them due to the system flexibility and adaptability

This also concerns the system feature enabling the generation and customization of reports requested by the HR directors and other employees in charge of specific tasks. The automated system provides them with the most relevant and actual information on any personnel-related process, namely:

Current employee lists;
Candidates selected after job interviews
Vacations scheduled and days off already taken
Employment type of staff members;
Salary payment schedules;
Staff tables and allocation by function, etc.

If the company management still has doubts about “1C: Payroll and HR Management” really needs to be installed in the organization, its following advantages should be considered:

1. Automating the personnel accounting and payroll calculation will save a lot of working time and eliminate possible errors due to manual processing.

2. “1C: Payroll and HR Management” is an improved version of “1C: Payroll and Human Resources”. So, it’s worthwhile considering an upgrade if the previous version is used at an enterprise, to fully enjoy all the benefits of the newer edition.

3. All the reports, certificates and extracts which may be requested by both — the company directorate and the state authorities — can be produced in a fully automated manner.

4. Secure storage and rapid retrieval of records for purposes of internal and regulated accounting

5. A user-friendly interface, handy and customizable tools, and built-in analytics — all these features make the software product easy to work with and reliable

6. Absolute compatibility with the other “1C: Enterprise” applied solutions.
