

Deadlines: July, 2022- May, 2023

Project labour costs: 9 543 work-hours

Region national project: republic of Uzbekistan, Asia


Customer: Zeppelin Central Asia FE LLC

Contractor: Koderline


Implemented products: 1C:ERP WE 




  • Accounting and tax accounting

  • Document Management (ECM)

  • Operational management of production (MES)

  • Management accounting and financial accounting (FRP)


  • Engineering, instrument-making

  • Trade 

Project description

Project objectives

Our company implemented the 1C:ERP World Edition system for a company of a company group operating in an exclusive dealer territory. The goal was to improve the efficiency of business operations, optimize accounting and reporting according to IFRS standards, implement modern tools and platforms for the company to manage its business.

Global accounting reverse engineering
  • Local and corporate IFRS accounting for Zeppelin Uzbekistan
  • Tax accounting
  • Operational activity
  • Treasury and cash flow management.
Integration with other accounting and information systems.

Before implementation

ZeppelinCentral Asia FE LLC is a subsidiary of ZEPPELIN INTERNATIONAL AG, an exclusive dealer of the world-famous Caterpillar.

The company is a part of the Zeppelin Group, which operates in 220 branches worldwide with more than 10,000 employees.

In addition to Cat equipment used in the construction, mining, oil and gas, and logging industries, the company offers a wide range of Cat diesel and gas engines, systems and generators, as well as various lines of agricultural machinery - АGCО, Fendt, Valtra, АрасНе, and Farmet brands. They also provide spare parts for this machinery and service.

The Company is actively expanding its influence by opening new sales offices in different countries. A network of service centers, spare parts trading points, and a training center have been established.

Total number of companies (including branches): 1000

Uniqueness and innovation of the project

A pre-project survey showed that the implementation of a corporate information system at such a large enterprise must be based on a full project cycle of information systems creation and implementation. We started with a detailed survey of the enterprise, structuring of requirements, design of the entire system, development and implementation, and ended with system stabilization.

Implementation included methodological work, description and unification of unique business processes, consideration of complex system-technological landscape, as well as significant requirements to ensure consistent system performance.

A significant amount of modification (modernization) of the standard functionality of 1C software products was planned.

For these reasons, the project was carried out using 1C:Enterprise Implementation Technologies (EIT).

On the basis of 1C:ERP WE both corporate (in dollars) and local (routine) accounting in local currency is realized.

Project publications

Project results

  • System-analytical survey of the automation object

  • Analysis and processing of the received information

  • Analysis of the preparatory step meetings protocols

  • Setting up connections to servers

  • Setting up a backup plan

  • Work type analytics

  • Reflection of transactions with reserves in the Unified Contract Register

  • Analysis of the calculation of reserves

  • Modeling in the picking and dismantle of equipment operation system

  • Modeling of reserves for vacations and month-end closing (registers flow operations)

  • Modeling of goods and materials accounting

  • Document Management setup: purchase of goods and services

  • Document Management setup: domestic consumption order

  • Customizing the rules of integration with document management

  • Creating and updating administrator instructions

  • Creating and updating user instructions

  • Elaboration of the document chain in case of an agency procurement scheme

  • IFRS local accounting - IFRS corporate accounting - tax accounting

  • Posting of initial data input document

  • Introduction of a mechanism for calculating the quarterly bonus

  • Development of a document for bonus accrual in production

  • Calculating reserves and period that generating flows of the "Accrual of reserves for non-cash items" document

  • Development of conversion rules

  • Balances and documents transfer

  • Development of rules for transferring open customer orders

  • Productive boot error correction

  • Reloading of orders and mutual settlements

Corporate information system built on 1C:ERP World Edition for a company of a company group operating in an exclusive dealer territory, meets the needs of the company. The information system fully includes all necessary capabilities.

Project features

Project scope

Implemented software products 1C:ERP WE:

  • Machinery, spare parts and service sales, including pricing
  • Commercial and non-commercial purchases
  • Warehouse management and logistics
  • Production
  • Treasury
  • Contract and accounts receivable management
  • IFRS local accounting - IFRS corporate accounting - tax accounting
  • Payroll and HR management
  • Integrations with third-party software

Solution architecture and project scope

  • 1C:ERP WE can integrate with systems,namely:

  • 1C:Payroll and HR management

  • Price and spare parts database on the 1C base

  • CRM

  • CAT Integrations (6 directions)

  • Bank client

  • Tax reporting

  • Foreign vendor group`s corporative system
