

FIPAR – is a wallpaper factory in Russia, part of the group of companies of Zambaiti Holding (Italy).

1C:ERP is an effective solution for unifying disparate records 

Deadlines: November, 2018- June, 2019

Project labour costs: 960 work-hours

Region: Central Federal District of the Russian Federation

Customer: Fipar LLC

Contractor: Koderline


Implemented products : 1C:ERP e02fca4c282a311198c81e173d9b1cc9.png


1.    Comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP)

2.    Management accounting and financial accounting (FRP)

3.    Accounting and tax accounting

4.    Payroll and HR management (HRM)

5.    Trade Management

6.    Customer relationship management (CRM)

7.    Purchases, sourcing, and supplier relationship management

8.    Warehouse management (WMS)



Light industry, textile industry


1) Project description


Project goals

The project’s main goal is to implement a modern accounting system based on 1C:ERP, which will allow for solving specific objectives and combining accounting for all units in different systems (1C:Accounting, 1C:Payroll and HR Management, 1C:Trade Management, 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management).

Projec objectives

1.    Ensure a clear relationship between the physical processes and the processes in the data system, arrange and automate business processes in the company;

2.    Improve the efficiency and accuracy of reporting data processing;

3.    Minimize the possibility of accounting errors based on data entry into different systems;

4.    Develop management reporting across all business segments to meet management's requests.


2) Before implementation

FIPAR is a wallpaper factory in Russia, part of the ZAMBAITI PARATI group of companies (Italy). The factory, equipped with the latest technology, specializes in the production of premium Italian-technology wallpaper. The factory is located on 4.5 hectares in Stupino city and includes a production and warehouse of finished products with a total area of 8000 square meters, as well as a separate sales unit in Moscow and regional representatives throughout Russia and CIS countries.

Before the project:

The functionality of "1C:Accounting", "1C: Payroll and HR Management", "1C: Trade Management", and "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" accounting programs were used in a fragmented way and did not cover all the company's objectives before the project. The variety of accounting systems significantly complicated the process at the beginning and did not provide the opportunity to get prompt information at the end. Management reporting was generated untimely and manually. Therefore, the company's management decided to automate business processes and create a unified system of operational management of the factory based on 1C:ERP 2.

Specific features of production:

A large number of SKUs. This is due to the accelerated development of the market and the constant updating of collections. At the moment a new collection is released every 1.5-2 months. The number of items is rapidly increasing. Each item corresponds to 3-40 series or batches, reflecting the color variants of wallpaper.

A large number of customers and sales channels.

A wide ranking of price types.

Sales of its own products and purchases and sales of Italian products.

Need to clearly and flexibly assign system user rights.

3) Uniqueness and innovation of the project

The uniqueness of the project is determined by the specifics of the factory: a large number of customers and sales channels, a wide range of products, sale of own products and purchase and sale of Italian products, wide ranking of price types, the need to assign different rights to users in the business process.

There was a need to integrate the system with WMS systems of external warehouses, EDI systems of key customers, and other "1C"-systems. The company planned to get the formation of main reports for the business in the ERP system. The company also planned to continue the development of the system towards production, budgeting, and IFRS.

Koderline specialists implemented a modern ERP-system at the production enterprise in record time: the project started in November 2018, and on January 10, 2019, the trial operation of the system began. Most of the work was carried out remotely (98%).


4) Project publications

Выступление главного бухгалтера Натальи Суминой на Бизнес-форуме 1С:ERP (2019)

Повышена эффетивность принятия управленческих решений руководством ООО "Фипар" благодаря системе "1С:ERP 2"


5) Project results

First, Koderline specialists developed and agreed on a detailed project implementation plan, performed the initial set up 1C:ERP, and transferred the initial balances from 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management, taking into account indexing and customization of all master data catalogs. Based on the information on functional gaps from the “functional coverage map” document, the required functionality was finalized and documented.

Integration with external WMS warehouses, with Payroll and HR unit, and other Marketplace systems of large retail chains and EDI was performed. User training and preparation of user documentation for the following blocks: sales, purchase, production, warehousing, transportation logistics, treasury, accounting, and management accounting. In the course of the trial operation, all the identified difficulties with the system operation were eliminated, the system settings were audited and optimized, the system performance was improved, and the system bottlenecks were analyzed and eliminated.

The company has established and successfully implemented processes in the following units: sales, purchases, production, warehousing and transportation logistics, treasury, planning, accounting and management accounting:

Warehouse and logistics: warehouse inventory management, inventory reservation, and inventory accounting in shop storerooms. Realized accounting of items by characteristics and a wide range of applicable properties and additional details. Automatic generation of all necessary reports on the movement and accounting of inventory in the context of warehouses, types, collections, etc.

Sales: registration of customer orders, pricing, price lists, accounting of inventory sales, generation of payment receipt schedule, mutual settlements with customers, wholesale trade, commission trade. Maximum use of the standard functionality of the program to build all necessary sales reports for managers, customers, types of products, and a wide choice of additional details.

Purchases (supply) and management of relations with suppliers: accounting of raw materials and inventory, management of relations with suppliers, mutual settlements with suppliers.

Production: accounting of production costs, calculation of actual cost, accounting of fixed assets, calculation of depreciation, accounting of production services, accounting of special equipment and workwear, management of data on product composition, formulation.

Export and import operation accounting 

Management accounting and reporting are set up according to the management requirements based on operational and local accounting data in two languages in several units. 

A set of daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly management reporting for a wide number of users from employees to company owners and external users was implemented. All the used management reports are generated automatically. Foreign founders can generate reporting using previous period statistics(information exports from other info bases are customized). 


The project team successfully implemented the following processes: 

Local and management accounting, sales, purchases, manufacturing,  warehouse and transport logistics, treasury, and integration of WMS. This allows to solve issues with large numbers of SKUs and set up warehouse management without errors and manual labor.  We customized user rights providing organization of work processes between participants and allowing everybody to do their work in a timely and effective manner.

As a result, the company management received operational accounting, automated business processes that eliminate manual input errors and significantly accelerate receiving the necessary data, and management reporting in two languages and two currencies in the context of all company operations. This helps to manage the company effectively and make timely decisions. 

Next year the customer plans to automate budgeting, treasury, and manufacturing planning. As a result of the project, all key business processes have been automated, a clear relationship between physical processes and processes in the data system has been achieved, and management is now able to make necessary management decisions based on timely and accurate data.

Integration with external WMS warehouses, with Payroll and HR unit, integration with other Marketplace systems of large retail chains and EDI.

6)Project features


Project scope

Implemented software products


Manufacturing management

Cost accounting and cost calculating

Monitoring and analysing the company's indicators

Local and tax accounting

Local a ccounting and tax accounting

Payroll and HR management

Customer relationship management

Purchasing management

Sales management

Warehouse management

Regulated accounting


7) Solution architecture and project scope

Interaction of implemented systems

Integration between 1C:ERP 2 and 1C:Payroll and HR management systems: exchange of master data, receiving and processing of employee performance data required for payroll.

Integration between 1C:ERP 2 and WMS system ‘Mirada’: transfer of master data, electronic generation of shipment orders, exchange of documents, stock balances, printed forms of documents, inventory of stock balances between the systems.
