

PepsiCo is one of the world's largest producers of food and beverages under well-known brands.

1C: ERP + 1C: Document Management automation for Bishkeksut JSC

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, July 2023

Operation mode

Client/server (database server: Microsoft SQL Server)


Concurrent users

Contractor: Koderline

Implemented product:  1C:ERP

Automated functions

1.       Activities analysis and plan-fact project analysis

2.       ABC/XYZ inventory analysis

3.       ABC/XYZ sales analysis

4.       Bank and cash accounts

5.       Customer AR/AP accounting

6.       Vendor AR/AP accounting

7.       Period ending

8.       Picking and dismantle of inventory

9.       Monitoring and recording serial numbers

10.   Bin location warehouse logistics

11.   Monitoring and analyzing enterprise activity key indicators

12.   Tax accounting

13.   Intangible assets

14.   Wholesale

15.   Fixed assets

16.   Registering sales orders

17.   Registering purchase orders

18.   Petroleum products consumption planning

19.   Manufacturing operations

20.   Standard cost calculation

21.   Standard order cost calculation

22.   Actual cost calculation

23.   Counterparty AR/AP accounting

24.   Local reporting

25.   Inventory reservation

26.   Inventory

27.   Sales transactions

28.   Managing data about product composition and structure, recipe

29.   Cash management (treasury)

30.   Advanced warehouse management

31.   Stock management

32.   Supply chain management

33.   Management accounting

34.   Management accounting and ABC cost calculation

35.   Accounting by business units

36.   Contract accounting

37.   Production cost accounting

38.   Uninvoiced deliveries

39.   Fixed assets accounting, depreciation calculation

40.    GAAP accounting

41.   IFRS accounting

42.   Inventory coming accounting

43.   Inventory sales accounting

44.   Production orders accounting

45.   Own transport accounting

46.   Inventory accounting in storage

47.   Productive services accounting

48.   Export and import operations accounting

49.   Financial analysis

50.   Generation of payment schedule to suppliers

51.   Generation of payment receipt schedule

52.   Pricing, price lists


1.    Consulting on methodological issues of work with 1C software products

2.    Consulting on technical issues of work with 1C software products


Bishkeksut JSC is the biggest enterprise for dairy processing, dairy and juice manufacturing in Kyrgyzstan

Since 2002, Bishkeksut JSC has been a subdivision of Pepsico Holdings. The enterprise operates in the local market, providing dairy and juice products not only to regional customers of the Republic, but also to the markets of neighboring Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Accounting of the company main activities and monitoring of business processes are performed using 1C:ERP + 1C: Document Management systems. This is an innovative solution having all the required management and accounting functionality that allows companies to organize a unified information system to manage various business operations. 

In order to improve the efficiency of manufacturing accounting and its planning, Bishkeksut JSC turned to the franchisee company Koderline LLC.

Under the concluded contract, Koderline specialists performed different types of work, namely:

Performed analytical and system analysis of an automation object

Analyzed and processed the received information

Created and approved the Project Charter

Created a document describing detailed business requirements, containing functional and non-functional requirements, in a format agreed by the Parties

Created a high-level scheme of the target architecture including requirements for the architecture hardware and the necessary software

Created and approved a detailed list of processes to model

Drawn up a schedule for the next stages

Demonstrated the modeling results

Compiled a list of functional gaps

Compiled and approved a list of customizations with planned assessment of implementation

Refined a schedule for the next stages

Developed the Solution Architecture document in a format agreed by the Parties

Developed a conceptual design of the system (Design document) in a format agreed by the Parties

Configured and customized the system based on the list of improvements agreed at the previous stage

Developed test plan and scenarios

Implemented corrections based on the comments received from the information security survey

Testing scenarios are filled with systematic steps

Performed integration testing

Performed load testing

Developed a report on the results of load testing (Test summary report) in the format agreed by the Parties

Trained system users

Created instructions for users

Set up role models

Signed readiness protocols for commissioning

Created and updated the issue registry 

Eliminated issues identified as a result of trial operation

Signed the Act of transfer of the facility into commercial operation

Successful automation on the basis of this software product allowed to solve the following tasks:

1.    Increasing the transparency of management accounting.

2.    Reduction of labor intensity and time for data processing by the company's employees.

3.    Increasing transparency and promptness of formation and receipt of reporting data for management decision-making.

Project results

1.       Audit and optimization of system settings

2.       Entering opening balances / help when entering opening balances

3.       Integration with other systems based on 1C:Enterprise

4.       Integration with third-party automation systems

5.       Consulting on software selection and maintenance options

6.       Initial settings of a generic/industry solution (program) to start record keeping

7.       Data transfer from previous automation systems

8.       Planning of work stages, drawing up a work schedule

9.       Carrying out load testing

10.   Gathering and analyzing customer requirements to the automated system

11.   Creating interfaces and sets of user rights
